Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shanna's First Birthday

I know - I'm going back in time.  But I just wanted to see if I could post a picture to my blog.  It may not be a true test, since I'm using a Mac and when I'm at ILISA in CR, I'll probably have a PC. I flew up to Portland, OR for Shanna's first birthday on May 10.  "Grandma Toby", George's mother, came too and we surprised Renee.  We had a great time.  Here's a picture of Shanna with her birthday donut.  Renee actually gave it to her the next day, since her birthday was such a busy day with church, eating out at the Spaghetti Factory, having company, and opening presents.  The birthday donut was a tradition we started with our kids.  We got a jelly donut, dressed the kids in nothing but a diaper, and let them have at it on their first birthday.  Quite fun!


Mrs.C's Corner said...

Your Grandbaby is darling, Melody! She looks like her mother, who looks like YOU!

Brandon said...

Hey mum - glad to see your blog is up and running! Got the package - cheers :)

I'm looking forward to lots of great stories from Costa Rica - take lots of pictures!