Monday, June 2, 2008

I've arrived in Costa Rica!

I don't have time to write a lot, but wanted to let everyone know I did actually arrive here safe and sound! After getting here, I met another lady who was going to the same language school. It was amazing to find out how much we had in common! She is married, but came here by herself, like me, we both homeschooled our children and now that the kids are gone have time to do an adventure such as this, both know some Spanish, etc. She lives in Greenville, South Carolina - I have a feeling we will get to be good friends and pen pals. Anyway, the day we got here the "home team" had just won a futbol (soccer) game and there were cars all over the place waving flags.

My host family is wonderful. My "mama tica"s name is Luisa. She speaks very slowly and re-words things so I can understand and helps me with words. The three children live at home - the two oldest work at Hewlett Packard and go to school at night, while the youngest goes to the University during the day. The father is an accountant for the Social Security department. I had arroz con pollo (rice with chicken) and frijoles (beans) for dinner that were very good. There are two other students staying at the home right now. One is a 19 year old young man from Missouri who has been here about 10 days and will be leaving in 4 days. The other is another woman who, amazingly enough ALSO homeschooled her children and is from Arkansas.

Well, I need to stop because I am going to a "Happy Hour" with the school to meet people. More manana!


Brandon said...

Congrats! Sounds like you are living the good life already :)

Keep us posted and take lots of pictures!

Mrs.C's Corner said...

Hola Melody!

Como esta? Estoy muy bien! Estoy feliz llego sin incidentes en Costa Rica. Arroz con pollo y frijoles sabor muy delicioso.

Estudia y trabaja mucha!

Adios Mi Amiga!

Allie Ward said...

So glad you got there safely. I am praying for you every day. Learn enough for me! Much love, Allie